Week 182: Standard Plug

A week of failed hob fittings, cat sitter meetings, Jägerbombs, hangovers, wastelands, cryptic sudoku, bottomless brunches, and Daniel Beddingfield.

Posted on by Rowan Manning.
Tagged with HouseTVMusicKittensSudokuJägerbomb

  • Our new hob got delivered this week but the fitters couldn’t fit it because they’d need to switch the oven over to a standard plug to make it work and didn’t seem to fancy it. It’s becoming very boring not being able to cook a lot of things.

  • Our new cat sitter came to visit the small lads and they all got on well so feeling less stressed about leaving them for a week in May. They seem to get on well with nearly everyone who visits which is nice.

  • A Jägerbomb in a split shot glass

    I need to maybe have a small break from Thursday pub after work because I keep staying out quite late and feeling quite hungover on Fridays. New pub new Jägerbomb format, who knew these split glasses existed!?

  • I watched all of Fallout over the weekend, not groundbreaking but I enjoyed it a lot – I think it was a good representation of the world in the games and it was fun.

  • I’ve started doing Sudoku again, picking up where I left off with the Cracking The Cryptic app and trying to remember all the solving techniques. It’s a nice way to burn time.

  • On Saturday we went for a bottomless brunch with Tammy, Alison, and Marcus for the first time in ages. Afterward, we played on arcade machines and then went to see Daniel Beddingfield in Soho House (one of our friends works there). Soho House people are very much the worst and I was happy to leave.